Exercise during pregnancy has SO many benefits and it’s a great time to start moving your body.
But NOT ALL exercises or sports are safe to do while pregnant.

It can be hard to determine what kinds of exercises should be AVOIDED during pregnancy but

I am passionate about helping birthing parents continue doing everything they love to do throughout pregnancy, but your body IS changing and special considerations should be made. ALWAYS ask your care provider about your specific situation regarding exercise and other physical activities.

My additions in italics:

  • Heavy weight training lifts that involve maximal isometric muscle contractions are thought to put too much stress on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system, - as well as creating too much intra-abdominal pressure that may lead to diastasis recti or pelvic floor dysfunction (incontinence/prolapse)!!!;

  • Holding your breath during difficult positions during yoga or while weight training. If you are ever not breathing during any exercise this is a clear indication you are over-exerting yourself and you need to stop immediately;

  • Exercises lying on your back AFTER the first trimester of pregnancy should be avoided to reduce the risk of affecting blood flow to the foetus and hypotension from vena cava compression by the uterus;

  • Exercises which involve lying on the stomach after the first trimester;

  • Some abdominal strengthening exercises will be very uncomfortable due to muscle weakness and the development of abdominal separation, a condition called diastasis recti. This occurs as a result of the growing uterus and a dysfunctional inner core unit;

  • Standing still for long periods of time is not recommended;

  • Contact sports and high-impact sports such as ice hockey, soccer and basketball can risk abdominal trauma, excessive joint stress and falls;

  • Scuba diving should be avoided as the pressure can result in birth defects and fetal decompression sickness;

  • Any activities that increase the risk of falls should be avoided in order to reduce the risk of injury to you and your fetus. This includes sports such as gymnastics, horseback riding and water skiing;

  • Any activities which require changes to the centre of gravity should be avoided as this can cause balance problems. This includes vigorous racquet sports such as squash and tennis - ligaments also become looser during pregnancy and breastfeeding so these sports and plyometric movements should typically be avoided;

  • Any sports at altitude may induce altitude sickness which in turn can reduce the oxygen supply to the foetus. This does not appear to be the case for moderate intensity exercise at altitudes anywhere up to 2,500m but if you want to exercise at altitudes above this upper limit you should be guided through appropriate acclimatization and make modifications to you activities as guided by your doctor. If you experience symptoms of altitude sickness including excessive shortness of breath, chest pain and light-headedness and weakness, you must stop exercising immediately and seek medical aid.

With all of these tales of caution you might feel like you’re so fragile you might break.
I’m here to tell you that’s NOT true. You are strong and you are not broken! Your body knows how to protect your baby and much of what I coach can help mitigate many of these risks, such as laying on your back or developing diastasis recti. If you’re afraid to move your body or do certain things while pregnant, the BEST thing you can do is
set up a free call with me today!